FMOS-COSMOS is a large near-infrared spectroscopic survey of star-forming galaxies and AGNs in the COSMOS field with the Fiber-Multi Object Spectrograph (FMOS) mounted on the Subaru Telescope. Observations were taken between 2012 - 2016. The survey has been operating in both the low-resolution mode while simultaneously covering the J and H band spectral windows, and the high-resolution mode. The latter has focused on the spectral windows 1.6-1.8 μm to detect Hα and [NII]λ6584 and 1.11-1.35 μm to detect Hβ and [OIII]λ5008. In total, a spectroscopic sample of over 1500 star-forming galaxies and AGN have been amassed. This project is a collaboration between the Japanese astronomical community (two Subaru Intensive Programs; PI John Silverman), the University of Hawaii (PI Dave Sanders), and the larger COSMOS team, in particular, CEA - Saclay, the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova and the Dipartmento di Fisica e Astrofisica Universita di Padova.
Principal team: John Silverman (Kavli IPMU), Dave Sanders (IfA), Nobuo Arimoto (NAOJ), Alvio Renzini (INAF), Jeyhan Kartaltepe (RIT), Emanuele Daddi (Saclay), Daichi Kashino (NAOJ), Giulia Rodighiero (Univ. of Padova), Annagrazia Puglisi (Southampton), Jabran Zahid, Lisa Kewley

Spectroscopic redshifts and emission-line catalogs
The 2175 Å dust feature in star-forming galaxies at 1.3≤z≤1.8: the dependence on stellar mass and specific star formation rate
Kashino, D., Lilly, S., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2021, ApJ, 909, 213
Kashino, D., Lilly, S., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2021, ApJ, 909, 213
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ∼ 1.6. VI. Redshift and Emission-line Catalog and Basic Properties of Star-forming Galaxies
Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2019, ApJ, 241, 10
Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2019, ApJ, 241, 10
An FMOS Survey of Moderate-luminosity, Broad-line AGNs in COSMOS, SXDS, and E-CDF-S
Schulze, A., Silverman, J. D., Kashino, D. et al. 2018, ApJS, 239, 22
Schulze, A., Silverman, J. D., Kashino, D. et al. 2018, ApJS, 239, 22
The ionization parameter of star-forming galaxies evolves with the specific star formation rate
Kaasinen, M., Kewley, L. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 477, 5568
Kaasinen, M., Kewley, L. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 477, 5568
Predicting emission line fluxes and number counts of distant galaxies for cosmological surveys
Valentino, F., Daddi, E., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 4878
Valentino, F., Daddi, E., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 4878
The Bright and Dark Sides of High-redshift Starburst Galaxies from Herschel and Subaru
Puglisi, A., Daddi, E., Renzini, A. et al. 2017, ApJ, 838, 18
Puglisi, A., Daddi, E., Renzini, A. et al. 2017, ApJ, 838, 18
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at Z ∼ 1.6. V: Properties of Dark Matter Halos Containing Hα Emitting Galaxies
Kashino, D., More, S., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2017, ApJ, 843, 138
Kashino, D., More, S., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2017, ApJ, 843, 138
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ≈ 1.6. IV. Excitation State and Chemical Enrichment of the Interstellar Medium
Kashino, D., Silverman, J., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2017, ApJ, 835, 88
Kashino, D., Silverman, J., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2017, ApJ, 835, 88
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z~1.6. III. Survey Design, Performance, and Sample Characteristics
Silverman, J. D., Kashino, D., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2015, ApJS, 220, 12
Silverman, J. D., Kashino, D., Sanders, D. B. et al. 2015, ApJS, 220, 12
Rest-frame Optical Emission Lines in Far-infrared-selected Galaxies at z < 1.7 from the FMOS-COSMOS Survey
Kartaltepe, J., Sanders, D.B., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2015, ApJ, 806, 35
Kartaltepe, J., Sanders, D.B., Silverman, J. D. et al. 2015, ApJ, 806, 35
A multiwavelength consensus on the main sequence of star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2
Rogidhiero, G., Renzini, A., Daddi, E. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 443, 19
Rogidhiero, G., Renzini, A., Daddi, E. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 443, 19
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.6. II. The Mass-Metallicity Relation and the Dependence on Star Formation Rate and Dust Extinction
Zahid, H. J., Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D. et al, 2014, ApJ, 792, 75
Zahid, H. J., Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D. et al, 2014, ApJ, 792, 75
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.6. I. Hα-based Star Formation Rates and Dust Extinction
Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D., Rodighiero, G. et al. 2013, ApJ, 777, 8
Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D., Rodighiero, G. et al. 2013, ApJ, 777, 8